
Best fallout new vegas steam mods
Best fallout new vegas steam mods

best fallout new vegas steam mods best fallout new vegas steam mods

Shiny New Toys: Each add-on pack increases the mountain of armaments already at your disposal.Each new distinct area presents a fresh set of branching-quests, remarkable personalities and more chances to play the Savior or the Pariah to the natives of New Vegas. Beyond the Wasteland: The world of New Vegas is more expansive than ever.The choices you make will be as crucial to your survival as ever Features Whether you’re a seasoned explorer of the Mojave or playing the game for the first time, you’ll find there are more friends and enemies to make, more consequences to your actions and more opportunities to live in glory or infamy throughout the Wasteland. To sweeten the pot, you’ll be armed with the latest cache of unique weapons, ammo types and recipes from the most recent add-on packs: Courier’s Stash and Gun Runners Arsenal. For the first time in one package, you can get all the Fallout: New Vegas content including the full suite of highly acclaimed add-on content: Dead Money, Honest Hearts, Old World Blues and Lonesome Road.

best fallout new vegas steam mods

With the introduction of the Ultimate Edition, Bethesda Softworks offers you the chance to double-down and get the complete package of New Vegas fun.

Best fallout new vegas steam mods